I realize it has been a while, but I’ve been tweaking numerous things, and I’ve started working on a nice contract recently. I realize that is not really much of an excuse, but did I mention I had recently moved? Anyhow, here is a much belated tech news roundup.
SSDs Losing Data After A Few Days With No Power? via Older But Geeky — is it much ado about nothing?
Google Maps shuts down editing after ‘robot peeing’ incident via CNN Money — electronic vandalism hits when a trusted mapper goes beserk
Cheapest PC War: CHIP can kill Raspberry Pi in just $9 via Inferse — at that price point, certainly possible, but don’t underestimate the Pi supporters
Think the CHIP is small? Have a look at This is the world’s smallest computer via CBS News — I’m trying to wrap my head around how something the size of a grain of rice can take a decent picture, let alone program it with light
Lenovo cites ‘missteps’ on the new LaVie Z laptop via Consumer Reports — seriously? You misadvertise some rather decisive features for a laptop, so all you’re going to do is give a partial refund?
No variety in your Facebook News Feed? Facebook says it’s your fault via Hindustan Times — is this like blaming the victim?
On a more positive note, HP has another go at low-cost Linux laptops via Computing — maybe HP will regain my trust after all
‘Microsoft Edge’ will replace Internet Explorer via CNN Money — stupid and very loud autoplaying video alert
How to Clean Up Your WordPress Database for Improved Performance via WPBeginner — because all databases collect obsolete junk after a while
Tech Support Spam Plague LinkedIn and Other High-Traffic Sites via Malwarebytes Unpacked — Spam, it’s not just for breakfast (or email for that matter) any more.
How To Install and Use Logwatch Log Analyzer and Reporter on a VPS via DigitalOcean — actually, install this if possible on any website you own, for the logs are an eye-opener as to how many idiots are out there
‘New’ Windows SMB Vulnerability Affects All Software Versions But Microsoft Probably Won’t Patch It via iDigitalTimes — and MS wants you to still trust them?
Security Tip: Disable Root SSH Login on Linux via How-To Geek — just do it
Wanted: Somebody To Go Back In Time With Me via Digg — this was a meme even before “Internet memes” was a thing